Friday, January 9, 2009

Finger Knit Scarves

Ann and Claudia are teaching me how to knit, so I'm making a scarf with a Garter stitch. But it's taking a long time, and when I was surfing the web, I ran across this page:

This looked like the perfect craft for me, easy to do!

So I made two finger knit scarves. I used either 3 or 4 strands of yarn all at the same time.

This first one has a thick green acrylic base, with two fun furs:

This second one has two strands of pink organic cotton, and two fun furs:

1 comment:

Abby said...

Hey Karen! I'm doing well!! How are you guys? You should sell your scarves on - although I don't know how much arts and crafts time you have these days.

Anything hugely new? Hey I'm on facebook now too. If you are find me!