Saturday, July 16, 2022

Malvina Reynolds's song "Little Boxes"

 Malvina Reynolds's song "Little Boxes" is a charming critique of the conformity that was prevalent in early 1960s suburban America. The lyrics tell the story of people who are "all made out of ticky tacky" and who "all look just the same." However, despite the criticism contained in the song, it is also undeniably catchy. The simple ukulele chords and melody make it easy to play, and the repetitive nature of the lyrics makes it fun to sing along to. As a result, "Little Boxes" has become a popular choice for ukulele players of all levels. Whether you're a beginner looking for an easy song to play, or a seasoned player looking for a fun sing-along, "Little Boxes" is sure to please. Here are the ukulele chords for Little Boxes

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